Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project
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Aerial view of the construction of the "Great Dam" on the Sacandaga River. (same as 67.008.89 in same folder)

Santiago Avendaño is a Skidmore College student from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He spoke with Aaron Schneider about his racial identity and his relationship to his country of origin.

Nurianny Montilla is a Skidmore student living in Saratoga Springs, NY. She is a senior at Skidmore majoring in sociology, and she spoke with fellow Skidmore senior Abigail Outterson on March 26th, 2016 about her experiences being born in the…


A pesar del cansancio y la tristeza que se ve en mi rostro, Tengo la fuerza, tiempo y una sonrisa desde lo más profundo de mi alma para mi familia, ellos que son el tesoro más grande que me ha dado Dios.

Despite the tiredness and sadness that is…

La igualdad y amor al prójimo que a pesar de las diferencias sociales, razas y color de piel, ante Dios todos somos iguales. No se puede juzgar a nadie sin antes tenderle una mano amiga que pueda ayudarle.

Equality and love of neighbor that despite…

Aldo and Dennis X. are two brothers living in Long Island, New York. They are uncles of Skidmore student Alison Ungaro, and spoke with her about their experience migrating from Peru to the United States through work, education, community, religion…

Maud Rios resides in College Point, New York and spoke to her great-niece, Skidmore student Alison Ungaro, regarding her memories and opinions of her migration from Peru to the United States, the Latinx community, the U.S. workforce, and dynamics of…

Interview with Paul Rosenberg, founder of the Flurry Festival and director of programs until 2005. Paul discusses the Festival's beginnings at an elementary school and the move to the City Center in Saratoga Springs.

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An interview with Peter Davis, the program director of the Flurry Festival from 2006- present day. Peter discusses the nuts and bolts of creating the schedule and how it changed from Paul Rosenberg's direction to the current form.

M'elle Pirri-Lee- Saratoga Healing Arts.mp3
Oral history


Ana Karen Cruz Gomez_2017_1.jpg
Dejemos de formar las palabras a la conveniencia de los arriba.

We must stop watching what we say just to keep those above us happy.

Ser Inmigrante es sinónimo de orgullo ya que muchos no son ni capaces de salir de su casa solos.

To be an immigrant is to be proud, since many people aren’t even capable of leaving their homes by themselves.

Passenger trains cold once again cross the railroad bridge over the Hudson River at Mechanicville if a bi-state planning effort comes to fruition.







David Parra, a Skidmore College student, was born and raised in New York City. His mother immigrated to New York City from the Dominican Republic in her 20s. David spoke with Arlene Hernandez on April 4, 2016 about his experiences with education,…

Latinx students from Skidmore College spoke with Ashley Polanco and Alyssa Morales on the ways in which the media perceives Latinxs.

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Latinx students from Skidmore College engaged in a conversation with Ashley Polanco and Alyssa Morales of Raices about race within Latinx communities. They share their experiences of how others perceive their identities.

A man and his skateboard

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For recent arrivals, it is hard to picture this city without the CVS Plaza on Congress Street, the vast parking lot on High Rock Avenue or the towering mixed use buildings that house The Gap, Talbots and other retail outlets...First started by the…


Parker Diggory joined Skidmore as the Directory of Religious and Spiritual Life in 2016. She talks about her relationship to Saratoga Springs, religious life on campus, and religious life in town.

State provides $100,000 infusion

The city could have another 80 spaces downtown this summer to help aid its parking congestion.

The Saratoga Springs Urban Renewal Agency was terminated at its final meeting last week and milestones were established. Dr., Leo W. Roohan, chairman, was present as he was at the first meeting on May 14, 1962 and every meeting since its inception 24…



First line: Sometimes I feel like a motherless child

Edition: High. Plate no.: 116498-4.

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A map of Saratoga County published in an atlas of New York State counties. This map shows the Kayaderosseras Patent plots as well as contemporary administrative districts. The newly separate towns of Saratoga and Saratoga Springs are clearly…

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