Browse Items (735 total)
How does the media represent Latinxs? Latinx Students Video Interview
Tags: Argentina, Cuba, Latinos, Latinx, oral history, Peru, Skidmore College, student
When People See me: Skidmore Latinx Student Interviews
Tags: Dominican, family, Latinos, Latinx, Mexican, oral history, Puerto Rican, race, Skidmore College, student
Peg Boyers Interview
Tags: Cuba, Cuban, culture, family, identity, immigration, Latin America, Latina, Latino, Latinx, migration, oral history, Skidmore College, Skidmore faculty
Santiago Avendaño Interview
Nurianny Montilla Interview
Tags: Dominican, identity, Latina, Latinx, oral history, Skidmore College, student
Aldo and Dennis Video Interview
Tags: Latinx, oral history
Daniel Valencia Interview
Tags: bicultural, Colombia, culture, family, language, Latino, Latinx, oral history, Skidmore College student
Cinthia Durán Interview
Tags: culture, Ecuador, ethnicity, Gender, identity, Indigenous, Latin America, Latina, Latino, Latinx, Mestiza, mestizo, race, Skidmore College
David Parra Interview
Miguel Hoyos Interview
[Senior Center Computer Club Members, 2005]
Tags: computers, Saratoga Springs, Senior Center, technology
Breaking Ground
Interview with Greg Hess, '78
Interview with Bill Ladd, '83
Interview with Jacob Navarrete, '08
Saratoga URA Gives Go-Ahead to Survey for Senior Citizen Center
Bus route changes to take place in spring
More CDTA service planned in city
Stimulus going to new parking lots
Big Families Hunt Decent Housing in Vain
Tags: SaratogaSprings, UrbanRenewal
New bike lanes on North Broadway officially unveiled
Circular Closed
Spring Run Trail officially opened
Citizen Center is Active Place
Tags: active, Saratoga Springs, Senior Center
Greyhound buses moving to train station off West Ave.
Interview with Vonnie Estes
Tags: Contra Dance, dance, music, oral history, Piano, Quebec, The Flurry Festival
Interview with John Kirk
Tags: John Kirk, oral history, The Flurry Festival
Interview with Trish Miller
Tags: dance, music, oral history, The Flurry Festival
Interview with John Guay
Tags: oral history
Interview with David Plaskett
Tags: oral history