Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project
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When People See Me.png
Latinx students from Skidmore College engaged in a conversation with Ashley Polanco and Alyssa Morales of Raices about race within Latinx communities. They share their experiences of how others perceive their identities.

Peg Boyers and Dog
Peg Boyers is a Skidmore alumni and faculty lecturer in the English Department, as well as executive editor of Salmagundi Magazine. She spoke with Skidmore Student Sarah Coker at her home in Saratoga Springs on March 25th2016 about Cuban identity,…

Santiago Avendaño is a Skidmore College student from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He spoke with Aaron Schneider about his racial identity and his relationship to his country of origin.

Danny Valencia is a college student and route setter at The Rock Club in New Rochelle, NY living in White Plains, NY. He spoke with Sarah Coburn on April 9th, 2016 about his memories of living in and visiting Colombia and experiences of being a…

David Parra, a Skidmore College student, was born and raised in New York City. His mother immigrated to New York City from the Dominican Republic in her 20s. David spoke with Arlene Hernandez on April 4, 2016 about his experiences with education,…

Miguel Hoyos is an artist living in Saratoga Springs, New York. He spoke with Gloria Peters on April 7, 2016 about his memories of Colombia, his experiences in the United States, and the way Latinxs' experiences of discrimination and suffering are…

These are a pair of shoes given to me by my father. Years ago when he was looking through his old things he stumbled upon these. These shoes were acquired by him when he was about 18 making them at least 40 years old. My dad got these shoes from his…

Larry talked about how moving as a young boy affected how he views his own identity and others identity.

Juan talked about what it was like to be a Latino male at Skidmore and Saratoga.

Samantha spoke to her experiences as a child of Dominican immigrants and what the challenges of college have been in distinguishing her identity as an individual from her home life in Brooklyn, NY.

Esteban discussed being the child of immigrants from the Dominican Republic in the United States

Cristian talked about his experiecne growing up in a household with a woman as the breadwinner and about his racial and ethinic identity and how it intersects with gender.

Margarita talked about her experience of moving from Puerto Rico to Boston and her identity as a Latina

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Vilmary discussed her experiences in moving from Puerto Rico to the U.S. for educational purposes, her development into becoming a physical therapist right out of college, and her assimilation into the U.S. and eventually Saratoga Springs.

Samuel talked about how he grew up in the Dominican Republic while his mother and siblings lived in the United States, with the hopes of being prosperous. Once he was old enough and his mother was able to secure him citizenship, he moved to New York…

Samantha shared her experiences, what she know of her parents' experiences, and the role that being Chicana has played in different parts of her life.

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Daniela talked about what it was like to live as a Mexican-American in the Texas, and her connection to her Mexican cultural heritage. She speaks on overcoming stereotypes and the issues she faced to come to college in New York._

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Yessica talked about moving to the United States from the Dominican Republic and it's impact on family dynamics, racial/ethnical self-identity, and future opportunities/dreams. _

Luisa expressed the impact and reasoning of her immigration_ from the Dominican Republic to the Washington Heights on her life, as well as briefly comments on Dominican and American politics.

Hilary speaks about what being a Dominican American, a black woman, and a Latinx woman means to her and the way her identities shape her experience.

In this oral history , Ms. Odette Ireland recalls memories including the time during World War II her home was occupied by French soldiers, when she first met her husband, and raising a family.

Maud Rios resides in College Point, New York and spoke to her great-niece, Skidmore student Alison Ungaro, regarding her memories and opinions of her migration from Peru to the United States, the Latinx community, the U.S. workforce, and dynamics of…
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