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- Tags: Skidmore College
How does the media represent Latinxs? Latinx Students Video Interview
Tags: Argentina, Cuba, Latinos, Latinx, oral history, Peru, Skidmore College, student
When People See me: Skidmore Latinx Student Interviews
Tags: Dominican, family, Latinos, Latinx, Mexican, oral history, Puerto Rican, race, Skidmore College, student
Peg Boyers Interview
Tags: Cuba, Cuban, culture, family, identity, immigration, Latin America, Latina, Latino, Latinx, migration, oral history, Skidmore College, Skidmore faculty
Santiago Avendaño Interview
Nurianny Montilla Interview
Tags: Dominican, identity, Latina, Latinx, oral history, Skidmore College, student
Cinthia Durán Interview
Tags: culture, Ecuador, ethnicity, Gender, identity, Indigenous, Latin America, Latina, Latino, Latinx, Mestiza, mestizo, race, Skidmore College
David Parra Interview
Interview with Greg Hess, '78
Interview with Bill Ladd, '83
Interview with Jacob Navarrete, '08
Interview with Travis Roe Raymond, '08
Interview with Juan Sanchez
Tags: Dominican Republic, family, Gender, Latinx, Saratoga, Skidmore College, student
Interview with Samantha Garcia
Interview with Maria Lander
Interview with Esteban Acosta
Interview with Cristian Fernandez
Interview with Samuel Cruz
Tags: bicultural, bilingual, culture, Dominican Republic, ethnicity, family, identity, immigration, language, Latinx, race, Skidmore, Skidmore College, student
Interview with Samantha Velez
Tags: Chicano, culture, ethnicity, family, Gender, identity, immigration, Latinx, machismo, Mexico, oral history, race, Skidmore College, Skidmore student
Interview with Daniela Menchaca
Tags: bicultural, education, ethnicity, family, Gender, Hispanic, identity, immigration, Latinx, machismo, Mexico, oral history, Phenotype, Politics, race, Skidmore College, Skidmore student, Southwest, Texas
Interview with Yessica Alcantara
Interview with Hillary Ramirez
Interview with Steve Otrembiak
The Chapel
Jan Scaglia '86, Interview
Tags: Alhambra, alumna, alumni, art history, arts, Barclay's, caring faculty, close-knit community, coed, Connecticut, development, dormitory, drinking age, Elana Scaglia, friendships, J-Term, Jonsson Tower, new campus, old campus, Pat's, Saratoga Springs, Scribner Village, second generation Skiddie, Skidmore child, Skidmore College, Skidmore parent, social life, tri-generational
Matthew Rosen '76 Interview
Tags: alumni, arts, business, cafeteria, campus job, Carl Sagan, Clare Oles, class president, coed, commencement speaker, Dean Oles, downtown campus, history major, John Harris, lifelong friendship, new campus, Ohio, old campus, Peabody dormitory, Pete Sipperly, Ralph Sciancio, reunion weekend, SGA, Skidmore College, Spanish, student government, tennis, tragedy, Wilmarth dormitory fire