Latinx students from Skidmore College engaged in a conversation with Ashley Polanco and Alyssa Morales of Raices about race within Latinx communities. They share their experiences of how others perceive their identities.
A new study of the Route 50 corridor near the Saratoga Spa State Park recommends $1.5 million in improvements to pedestrian and bicycle access to the park and nearby city trails.
A waiting area at the Roosevelt Baths & Spa, Gideon Putnam Hotel. The Roosevelt Bathhouse is the only original bathhouse left from when Saratoga became a center for water treatments in the 1930s, thanks fo Dr. Simon Baruch and President Franklin…
66-unit middle-income apartment complex to be completed by December of 1969. The Urban Renewal Agency put forth theses plans to create three building with 22 apartments each; expected rent from $160-$190/month.
A business card for the hotel highlighting its modernity and advertising its symphony offerings on front, with a map of routes from Albany to Saratoga springs on the back.
Caminando voy con mi conciencia, tratando de convencerme que el mundo no gira en torno a mí. Caminando voy dejando atrás lo malo que me ha pasado en la vida y pensando en lo bueno que está por venir; Algo bueno está esperando para todos.
Adirondack Trailways has rerouted its buses from Hamilton Street to Broadway, in response to a warning by the public safety department that the use of Hamilton Street is illegal.
Outgoing administration eyes key land deals...Now, less than two weeks before a new mayoral administration steps into City Hall, the outgoing mayor and city attorney are on track to complete three key land deals to amek the Spring Run Trail a…
A map of the course of the 1874 college regatta at Saratoga Springs that introduced a 4-page supplement to the New York Herald on the day of the race. Additional maps included were the course of the Springfield (MA) and Worcester (MA) courses.