Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project

Saratoga Springs Timeline

A Timeline of Saratoga Springs History


1708    Kayaderosseras Patent
1777    Battle of Saratoga
1789    Gideon Putnam arrives to
           settle near the springs
1791    Saratoga County est.
1795    Stage line links Ballston
             & Saratoga Springs
1803    Putnam's Boarding House
1807    North River Steamboat
           Line connects New York City to Albany
1809    V. Seaman mineral springs map
1810    J. Scott plat, Putnam's property
1812    First schoolhouse built
           in then-Village of Congress
1812    Congress Hall opens
1819   Saratoga Springs becomes a
           separate town

1824   United States Hotel opens
1826  Village Charter
          John Clarke purchases land he
          later transforms into Congress Park 

1831   Saratoga and Schenectady Railroad
1833   First steam locomotive to the village
1842   Ben Scribner opens 1st gambling
1847   Town has 3 wards

1853   First gas street lighting
1863   Racetrack opens
1870   John Morrissey opens a clubhouse in
          Congress Park
1871   Town Hall (city hall) built
1879   LH Cramer & JS Mott map
1893   Convention Hall opens
1894   First Floral Fete

1903     Young Women's Industrial
            Club (late Skidmore College) opens
1907   Canfield Casino closes


1909   NY State acquires mineral springs,
          creates state Reservation
1911   Race Track closes for two seasons
1913    "Village Park" public park
            (now Congress Park) opens

1915  City Charter adopted by
          New York State Legislature
Trolley Station is built

1917   S.J. Mott's Outside District map

1918   Saratoga County Chamber
          of Commerce forms
1923   City Council adopts zoning

1935   Saratoga Spa State 
          Reservation (now state park) opens
          with baths, Hall of Springs
          tree nursery, golf course
1938   First airmail flight 
1939-1945 World War II
1949   Saratoga Springs Looks to the Future
1951   Saratoga Springs casinos closed
1956   Train station moves to West Ave.
1963   Northway (I-87) opens
1964   Urban Renewal in Saratoga Springs
1966    Saratoga Performing Arts Center opens
1973    Amtrak takes over D&H railroad
1976   US Bicentennial
           Department of Public Works
           begins restoring Congress Park 

1984    City Center opens 
1987   Washington Baths become
           home of National Museum of Dance
2001   Beekman Street Art District begins
2004   Saratoga Gaming & Raceway begins
2015      Centennial of City Charter