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Migrants often encounter challenges along their journey to los Estados that significantly alter their lives and the lives of loved ones. Many are motivated to migrate by family already living in the U.S., or social, political and economic conditions within their homeland - which are often facilitated by U.S. presence in Latin America. For these reasons, citizens of Latin American countries frequently choose to embark on a journey to the States. However, when they settle in the U.S., migrants are confronted with harsh realities, including having to navigate through societal structures that inevitably categorize them as “other.” Migrants also face the difficulty, in particular, of seeking jobs, and are often forced to settle for work below their skill level. In these clips, interviewees share snippets of the process of leaving their homeland and settling in another, and reveal the ways in which migration affects not only the self and family, but also the broader community of Latinxs.

Sarah Coker and Ash Polanco