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Interview with Amejo Amyot

Dublin Core


Interview with Amejo Amyot



Is Part Of

Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project


Skidmore College


DS 113A Storytelling Interviewing, Skidmore College


Her life, Beekman Street, Reasons she started the project, How the street has changed over the years, The impact of the recession.




Jonah Brenner

Date Created


Oral History Item Type Metadata


Jonah Brenner


Amejo Amyot

Original Format

Original recording wav


47 min

Bit Rate/Frequency

16 bit, 44.1 khz

Time Summary

00:00:00 Header
00:00:30 I’m Amejo Amyot and I live in Saratoga Springs, NY. I was born in Salamanca, NY on an Indian Reservation.
00:03:08 Discusses art classes in high school and how it was discouraged.
00:04:30 Saratoga Springs in the 1960s.
00:07:50 Discusses the history of Beekman Street before she started the project in 2000. There were 7 or 8 restaurants along Beekman Street. Mostly Italian people.
00:11:05 Urban renewal. They got rid of the historic nature of the city.
00:12:45 Talks about what sparked the creation of the art district and the influence that her time in Florida had on the project.
00:16:46 Efforts she took to get rid of crime in the neighborhood and make the area safe.
00:19:00 Artists were in the 3rd floors of Broadway buildings, but they were getting priced out. Artist did not have a place to go. That was the idea of Beekman.
00:22:00 Goals of the project. Live on the street, work on the street, street fairs, and foster a community.
00:22:45 Discusses how the city council was afraid of Artists.
00:25:25 Evolution of the street since the late 90s/early 2000s.
00:31:08 Artists involvement in the project and the different people that supported her.
00:32:36 Talks about the recession in 2008 and the impact it had on Beekman.
00:38:00 The major setbacks of the project and how the city did not continue to support the arts district.
00:39:50 Why the neighborhood will not come back as an arts district.
00:45:40 Discusses her favorite memory on the street. Jazz bands on the street that played every Friday night. It was the place to be.
00:47:19 End

Record Creation Date



Jonah Brenner, “Interview with Amejo Amyot,” Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project, accessed March 13, 2025,

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