The application of William H. Moran, local real estate dealer, before the Planning Board, for approval of a project for housing development along the east side of the Recreation Field, between Lake Ave. and Caroline St., apparently has been settled…
Additional safe and sanitary housing of a low-rent character is 'necessary and desirable,' according to the Saratoga Springs Planning Board which, at a recent meeting proposed a second, 75 apartment project on the west side of Broadway, preferably in…
The Saratoga Springs City Council last night was confronted for the first time by a group demanding that the council live up to its responsibility to Negros and poor people by providing better housing.
Too many people are living in cramped conditions; post urban renewal, low-rent housing will be useful to meet relocation needs for low-income families.
The Saratoga Springs Planning Board approved a 65-home development in Geyser Crest subject to Clifford Kolakowski, developer, increasing the size of a recreational area to meet new subdivision requirements.
The City Council has refused an offer from the state Urban Development Corporation (UDC) to build a $3 million, 150-unit low- and middle-income housing project on Crescent Street, a project which would have cost the city only about $48,000.
The 1980 Census showed more than 14,000 people age 65 or older in Saratoga County. Home services can be costly and so group housing might become a possibility.
The city plans to purchase 85 Beekman for $36,700 in federal money. The Department of Public Works, acting as general contractor, will then refurbish the dwelling, using the remaining $10,000 in the gran request...
Letter from Margie H. Van Meter asking the NyS Development Authority to survey employees who live in Saratoga County about their commuting preferences.
The changes, the first major route restructuring in the Saratoga area since 2007, will increase service around areas of the city and out to the commercial corridor at Northway Exit 15, and bringing bus service for the first time to the neighborhoods…
Outgoing administration eyes key land deals...Now, less than two weeks before a new mayoral administration steps into City Hall, the outgoing mayor and city attorney are on track to complete three key land deals to amek the Spring Run Trail a…
Preliminary proposal for a development project in downtown Saratoga Springs is estimated to cost 20 million; proposal includes civil center and a 200 room hotel. The project is dependent on downtown merchants who would be willing to remodel or become…
A website describing the history of the sacred spaces in Saratoga Springs, New York. The Fall 2012 Public History course collaborated with the Saratoga Presevation Foundation to research, report and develop a walking tour.