Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project
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1872-BirdsEye-Saratoga-Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Arts, Prints and Photographs, New York PublicLibrary, Kilburn Brothers.tiff

Image 5-YMCA-1893Text.JPG

Burleigh-New York NY Herald 1894 - 5046[2].jpg
A review of happenings in Saratoga Springs in mid-August, 1892, including the arrival of notable guests, including Harry T. Burleigh.

Deep River.png

Burleigh as Musical Director.png


4689 PUN Aerial of Grand Union, United States Hotel far right Congress Park foreground 1916.jpg

Photograph of Harry T. Burleigh, March 1917, with handwritten name and date, and "Mishkin Studios" stamped on the photograph.

PH Coll 663.4


First line: Sometimes I feel like a motherless child

Edition: High. Plate no.: 116498-4.

James Reese Europe.png


1930-1945-BethesdaEpiscopalChurchTichnorBrosColl-Boston PUblicLibrary.jpg

Bethesda Episcopal Church, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
1 print (postcard) : linen texture, color ; 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 in.
Terms of Use:
No known copyright…

A brief article describing Jack's Cabaret, and proprietor Isaiah Jackson's plans for the upcoming 23d season

An article which describes the spirituals, including the Psalms, sung at St. George's on Palm Sunday, a service performed by Harry T. Burleigh for 46 years. The article includes a brief biography as well as an interview with Harry T. Burleigh. The…

9782.3 Jacks Harlem Blub Caberet 72 Congress St. 1941.jpg

69-114 GSB Hattie Austin at door of Hattie's 1969.jpg

Saratoga Springs NY Saratogian 1964 - 1316.pdf


Screen Shot 2016-09-26 at 5.39.35 PM.png
An article on events in Saratoga Springs, including the performance by Harry T. Burleigh at the villa of Mrs John W. Ehninger with three other performers, including Frank Hunter Potter, tenor, George Stuart Smith, basso, and Louise Shepard,, of New…

1892-August-TimesUnion PM.png
An article about the summer season in Saratoga Springs in 1892, which includes mention of the reopening of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in rooms on Phila Street, with a service at which Harry T. Burleigh sang.

1890s-ca-Choir 1-BethesdaEpiscopalChurch-Collections.jpg
A photograph of choristers in choir robes from the Bethesda Episcopal Church Archives, Saratoga Springs, NY

78-21.4 PUN No. 54, Sun Flower Boot Black Fast Asleep.jpg

17.21 PUN Wesley Smiley trainer, former steeplechase jockey horse Graham of Geniva.jpg



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