Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project
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2015-01-26 11.01.51.jpg
Adult and Senior Center director Lois Celeste, Dee Sarno, Crystal Moore (Social Work), Jordana Dym (MDOCS/History) and others meet to discuss the memory project and planning for a gala in November 2015.


An article describing Phoebe Radcliffe's presentation of the 60 Years Young archive project and video at the Adult and Senior Center of Saratoga on May 5, 2017. The project is the culmination of a two year collaboration between MDOCS and the Center…

Senior Center Saratoga.jpg

1976 5WILLIAMSplan.jpg
A plan of the plot of land acquired at the corner of Williams and Hamilton Streets for the Adult and Senior Center of Saratoga. The text reads "This area, adjacent to the St. Peter's Academy playground, has been designated as a possible location for…


A side-by-side of 162 Circular and 5 Williams

A photograph from a Valentine's Day party at the Center

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