About the Burleigh Exhibit
Thank You
This exhibit was researched in Fall 2016 by students in Elizabeth Macy’s 2016 Blues and African-American Musical Heritage class.
Timeline and Biography: Kenter Davies, Joey Freeman, Jon Wiedemann
African-American Musical Roots: Willy Bresee, Joseph Eisele, Sayeed Joseph
African-Americans in Saratoga: Leonardo De Jesus Oliveira, Tyler Magner, Kelsea Schimmel
Burleigh in Saratoga: Olivia Cox, Taylor Fohrhaltz-Burbank, Jules Koslow
MDOCS’ Jordana Dym and Jesse Wakeman provided additional research, planning, set-up, and poster design is by Michael Zhou, ’17. Saratoga artist Daesha Devón Harris contributed photographs from her series, “and yet must be...my Promise Land.” Exhibit posters were printed with support by the Music Department and MDOCS’ Skidmore-Saratoga Memory Project with funds from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation “Project Vis” grant.
Special thanks to Jeremy Day-O’Connell, Music, and Shelley Curran, Zankel, for support for hanging the exhibit, and to Jamie Parillo, Director, Saratoga-Springs History Museum for sharing photographs from the George S. Bolster Collection. Additional visual materials come from the Special Collections, Scribner Library, Skidmore College; Prints and Photographs Division and Map Division, Library of Congress; Art and Picture Division, New York Public Library, Digital Collection; Historical American Sheet Music, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Duke University; Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries; Saratoga Room, Saratoga Springs Public Library; Bethesda Episcopal Church Archives (Saratoga Springs); and MDOCS’ Skidmore-Saratoga Memory Project (ssmp.skidmore.edu).
“African American Spirituals.” Library of Congress Online, https://www.loc.gov/item/ihas.200197495.
Armstead, Myra B. Young. African-American Life.” Saratoga Springs, A Centennial History, Field Horne, ed, Kiskatam Publishing. 2015.
-----. Lord Please Don’t Take Me in August: African-Americans in Newport and Saratoga Springs, 1870-1930. University of Illinois Press, 1999.
Badger, Reid. “James Reese Europe.” Encyclopedia of Alabama, 5 October 2009, URL: http://www.encyclopediaofalabama.org/article/h-2470.
Berlin, Edward A. King of Ragtime: Scott Joplin and His Era. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Burleigh, Harry T. From the Southland: Piano Sketches by Harry T. Burleigh. Theodore Presser Co., 1914.
Denby, Elaine. Grand Hotels: Reality and Illusion. Reaktion Books, 2002.
Fiske, David, Clifford Brown and Rachel Seligman, Solomon Northup: The Complete Story of the Author of Twelve Years a Slave. ABC-CLIO, 2013.
Greenwald, Helen. The Oxford Handbook of Opera. Oxford University Press, 2014
Jones, LeRoi. Blues People: Negro Music in White America. Quill, 1963.“Century's Best - SI's Top 20 Venues of the 20th Century". Sports Illustrated. June 7, 1999. In “Saratoga Race Course,” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.
Lynn, Mary C. Make No Small Plans: A History of Skidmore College. Skidmore College. 2000.
Nicholson, James. The Notorious John Morrissey: How a Bare-Knuckle Brawler Became a Congressman and Founded Saratoga Race Course. U. Press of Kentucky, 2016.
Owsley, Dennis. “The Jazz History Of St. Louis-Part 1: The Ragtime Era And The Roaring Twenties.” St. Louis Public Radio, 4 July 2014, URL: http://news.stlpublicradio.org/post/jazz-history-st-louis-part-1-ragtime-era-and-roaring-twenties#stream/0.
Rehl, Jane W. Honorable Work: African-Americans in the Resort Community of Saratoga Springs, 1870-1970. Historical Society of Saratoga Springs, 1992.
Snyder, Jean. Harry T. Burleigh: From the Spiritual to the Harlem Renaissance. University of Illinois Press, 2016.
“Spa State Reservation Commission,” Sarratoga Springs: 250 Years in Maps, Skidmore-Saratoga Memory Project:, URL: http://ssmp.skidmore.edu/exhibits/show/mappingsaratoga/.
Sterngrass, Jon. First Resorts: Pursuing Pleasure at Saratoga Springs, Newport, and Coney Island. JHU Press, 2003.
University at Albany Planning Studio, Planning & Design Recommendations For The West Side Neighborhood,Saratoga Springs, New York, Fall 2001,URL: http://www.albany.edu/gp/files/2001_Fall_West_Side_Saratoga_Springs.pdf.