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Interview with Cecilia Frittelli

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Interview with Cecilia Frittelli



Is Part Of

Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project


History of street, evolution, artists identities/roles, the future




Yuelin He

Oral History Item Type Metadata


Yuelin He


Cecilia Frittelli


143 Grand Ave. Beekman Street,

Original Format

Digital Recording


37 minutes

Bit Rate/Frequency

16 bit, 44.1khz

Time Summary

00:00:23.03 Introduction. History of her business. Been around in textile industry for a long time. Born in Boston in 1958. Graduated in 1980 with a degree in theater design and in fiber arts.
00:04:23. Relationship with weaving. Father's influence.
00:05:39 Introduced to Beekman Street in 2001 by Amio. Did not find space until 2007. Involved with this street since the very inception.
00:08:36 Relationship with Amio. Nice vibe, history, and restaurant drew her to Beekman Street. Working and LIVING IN THE SAME AREA. Perfect and quiet place for artists to live and work.
00:10: 54 Artists on Beekman street.
00:15:14. The idea of showing the public the process of production. Lifestyle. Products with story. More excitement about products.
00:18:28. Adaptation to the art district community.
00:19:53 Economic crisis. Shop locally, shop meaningful.
00:21:14 Promotion of shop eco-friendly, local, small.
00: 22:44 Operation of the studio.
00:24:36 Add experience to business. Not just about selling the product. Lifestyle. The idea of making something beautiful and having some people appreciating it.
00:26:36 Customers composition and products.
00:27:27 Favorite moment with Beekman Street. Art Fair. Show case. Festive event.
00:29:36 Differences in working in big cities and working in small community
00:31:39 Challenges artists face.
00:34:22 The thriving history of Beekman Street and the current status.
00:35:36 Possibility to make Beekman Street thriving again.
00:36:17 Government needs to do more.
00:37: 24 End

Record Creation Date



Yuelin He, “Interview with Cecilia Frittelli ,” Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project, accessed March 14, 2025,

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