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Map of the town of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Co., N.Y.


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Map of the town of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Co., N.Y.






Cramer, Louis H.
Mott, Jesse


Out of copyright.



Map Item Type Metadata


"Pathmasters Beats on Roads are designated by different colors and also by their numbers in circles"

"Fire Alarm Boxes in Village are designated by their numbers in small circles"

"All distance points on Roads are from Town Hall unless otherwise marked"

"The Election Districts six in number, are designated by large, heavy letters No, with their corresponding figures, thus: N2
District No.1 includes all that part of the town lysing west of Broadway and north of Waring Avenue
District No.2 includes all that part of the town lying east of Broadway and north of Lake Avenue and Schuylerville road.
District No.3 includes all that part of the tow lysing west of Broadway and between Waring Avenue and West Congress Street.
District No.4 includes all that part of the town lying east of Broadway and south of Lake Avenue and schyylerville road and north of Phila Street to Nelson Avenue and north of Union Avenue from Nelson Avenue to Fish Creek.
District No. 5 includes all that part of the Town lysing west of Broadway and south of West Congress Street.
District No. 6 includes all that part of the town lying east of Broadway and south of Phila Street to Nelson Avenue and south of Union Avenue from Nelson Avenue to Fish Creek.
The streets which form the boundaries of these several districts are indicated by broken and dotted lines, thus -.-"

Abstract (& Historical Note)

In his History of Saratoga County New York (1878), Nathanial Bartlett Sylvester described Saratoga Springs as “one of the world’s most famous watering holes, the peerless queen.” This map by Louis H. Cramer, receiver of taxes and land surveyor, and Jesse Mott, civil engineer and land surveyor – emphasizes the town’s more practical side and several different kinds of administrative divisions, drawing on knowledge gained over decades and through other collaborations; in 1876, Cramer contributed to a Saratoga County atlas published by J.B. de Beers, whose maps of Saratoga Springs contained many similar elements.

The title draws attention to the “allotment lines and lots” of privately owned land. In addition to indicating private property owned by men including James M. Marvin, a director of the Saratoga Springs and Schenectady Railroad, the map’s blue boundaries show original Kayaderosseras Patent land divisions.

The legends and text reveal still more: 6 election districts, the location of fire alarm boxes and even distances from the town hall to various parts of the community. The town’s recreational side does come through, however, in identifying many cultural institutions, including the famed Saratoga Race Course, built in 1864.


Library of Congress




Cadastral maps


Civic Life
Property and Development

Subject - Details

Saratoga and Washington Railroad
Adirondack R.R. (N.Y.)
Compass rose
Index-- Hotels
Index-- Schools
Railroad Depot
Saratoga Racing Association
Public works (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.)-- water works, water supply

Subject - Geographic

Wilton (N.Y.)
Milton (N.Y.)
Greenfield (N.Y.)
Malta (N.Y.)
Saratoga Lake (N.Y. : Lake)
Lake Lonely (N.Y. : Lake)
Saratoga Springs (N.Y.)
Loughberry Lake (N.Y. : Lake)
Excelsior Park (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.)
Geyser Spring (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.)

Place of Publication

Saratoga Springs, NY

Physical Dimensions

86 x 129 cm
46 x 53 in


1 inch = 800 ft.

Record Creation Date





Cramer, Louis H. Mott, Jesse, “Map of the town of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Co., N.Y. ,” Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project, accessed March 14, 2025,

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