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Interview with Tim Brown

Dublin Core


Interview with Tim Brown


June 22, 2023

Is Part Of

Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project


Tim Brown joined the Skidmore faculty in 1979 as Athletic Director and Chair of the Physical Education and Dance Department, with a mandate to develop an intramural and intercollegiate athletic program and to attract men to the College which had recently become coed. During his tenure, Brown also helped to develop concepts for the new sports center. In this interview, Brown reflects on the many initiatives he engaged at Skidmore, including coaching golf, enhancing intramural sports, expanding varsity sports teams and leading Skidmore to membership in the ECAC conference. As he expanded the breadth of Skidmore’s health, wellness and athletic programs, Brown focused on developing student-athletes among the college’s students. Since 2006, the Tim Brown Scholar-Athlete Award is given annually to the outstanding senior athlete who has excelled academically.

Since his retirement, Brown has been involved in the Friends of Skidmore Athletics, Skidmore Alumni and he runs the Alumni Golf Tournament at Saratoga National. In Florida where he spends the winters, he has been involved with college and youth programs.


English (en)


Retiree Oral History Project


Oral History

Oral History Item Type Metadata


Lynne Gelber


Tim Brown


Saratoga Springs, NY

Original Format

Audio recording



Record Creation Date

January 29, 2024


“Interview with Tim Brown,” Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project, accessed February 23, 2025,

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