[Sketch map, Saratoga Springs]
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[Sketch map, Saratoga Springs]
This sketch map was prepared by John Steel, surveyor, with the help of Henry Walton, at the request of Simeon De Witt, and corrects De Witt's state map.
Map Item Type Metadata
"A The Village of Saratoga Springs
a. Babpist (sic) Church
b. Presbyterian Church } all in the village
c. Methodist Church
d. Universalist Church
[symbol] mill sites"
"The bounds of Saratoga Springs on the south are the Kayaderosseras Creek and not the South Bounds of the 15th Gen.l Allot."
"The alteration in the streams are made from surveys."
a. Babpist (sic) Church
b. Presbyterian Church } all in the village
c. Methodist Church
d. Universalist Church
[symbol] mill sites"
"The bounds of Saratoga Springs on the south are the Kayaderosseras Creek and not the South Bounds of the 15th Gen.l Allot."
"The alteration in the streams are made from surveys."
Abstract (& Historical Note)
This sketch map was prepared by John Steel, surveyor, with the help of Henry Walton, at the request of Simeon De Witt, and corrects De Witt's state map.
In the margins, the mapmaker indicates the location of 4 churches in the village (urban center) of Saratoga Springs, as well as locations of mills. Also noted are the correct southern boundary at the Kayaderosseras Creek (not 15th allotment of the Kayaderosseras Patent) and redrawing of stream routes based on surveys.
The original of this sketch map is held by the New York State Archives. Historian Field Horne found this map while doing research there. Horne's letter to the City Historian (this copy is from the SSPL) includes John Steel's January 12, 1829 letter to De Witt.
I send you inclosed a very accurate
map of the town of Saratoga Springs agreeable
to your request - The map is corrected by
Henry Walto[n] Esq who has the best knowledge
of the subject of any man in the town - You
will observe there are several important
corrections as well as additions made to the
one which you sent me all of which are far
more correct on the improved one except
the Saratoga Lake which is much the best on your
map and I would let that rernain as it is - Mr.
Walton intended merely to sketch it as the
boundary of the town --
yours most sincerely
John M. Steel Supervisor
of Saratoga Springs
S. De Witt Surveyor
General of the State of
Nev; York
DETAIL, 1829 hand-drawn correction to 1804 Simeon De Witt map by Henry Walton sent by Saratoga supervisor John M. Steell.
NY State Archives reference: A4016 Land Papers, 2nd series, Book 13 4 a and 4 b.
In the margins, the mapmaker indicates the location of 4 churches in the village (urban center) of Saratoga Springs, as well as locations of mills. Also noted are the correct southern boundary at the Kayaderosseras Creek (not 15th allotment of the Kayaderosseras Patent) and redrawing of stream routes based on surveys.
The original of this sketch map is held by the New York State Archives. Historian Field Horne found this map while doing research there. Horne's letter to the City Historian (this copy is from the SSPL) includes John Steel's January 12, 1829 letter to De Witt.
I send you inclosed a very accurate
map of the town of Saratoga Springs agreeable
to your request - The map is corrected by
Henry Walto[n] Esq who has the best knowledge
of the subject of any man in the town - You
will observe there are several important
corrections as well as additions made to the
one which you sent me all of which are far
more correct on the improved one except
the Saratoga Lake which is much the best on your
map and I would let that rernain as it is - Mr.
Walton intended merely to sketch it as the
boundary of the town --
yours most sincerely
John M. Steel Supervisor
of Saratoga Springs
S. De Witt Surveyor
General of the State of
Nev; York
DETAIL, 1829 hand-drawn correction to 1804 Simeon De Witt map by Henry Walton sent by Saratoga supervisor John M. Steell.
NY State Archives reference: A4016 Land Papers, 2nd series, Book 13 4 a and 4 b.
City Plan
Cities and Towns
Subject - Details
Church-- Presbyterian
Church-- Methodist
Church-- Baptist
Church-- Universalist
Kayaderosseras Patent
Church-- Methodist
Church-- Baptist
Church-- Universalist
Kayaderosseras Patent
Record Creation Date
“[Sketch map, Saratoga Springs],” Skidmore Saratoga Memory Project, accessed March 13, 2025, https://ssmp.skidmore.edu/document/208.
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